2017 年,惠普在暗影精灵 3 代发售时被实锤虚假宣传,公关部门紧急启动了三倍赔偿工作。此戏在宇宙第一中文论坛——贴吧,被戏称为“社会主义普”。
不料时隔不到两年,惠普 Elitebook 1050 G1 又双叒叕出现虚假宣传。航空级铝合金全机身?双排散热孔变单排?光线传感器不工作?不料,惠普并不准备再次做一个社会主义的形象大使,面对铁证,回应迟钝,一拖再拖。更多信息只需 Bing “Elitebook 1050 虚假宣传” 直达。
ManjaroManjaro Linu, or simplyManjar/mənˈdʒɑːroʊ/, is an open-sourceoperating system for computers. It is a distribution of Linux based on the Arch Linux distribution. Manjaro Linux has a focus on user friendliness and accessibility, and the system itself is designed to work fully "straight out of the box" with its variety of pre-installed software. It features a rolling release update model and uses pacman as its package manager.
笔者在安装 Manjaro 时遇到了不少坑,可能和惠普 BIOS 上报的 ACPI 报文并不规范有关。相关信息记录在此,方便后...
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